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Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program

Write Your Own Personal Success Story with FSS!

The CVR New York HCVP Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program features mentoring, goal setting and financial incentives to empower HCVP Participants to make dramatic positive life changes. With the assistance of the FSS Program, Participants secure good jobs as well as save money for their future. Hundreds of families have graduated from the FSS Program and found rewarding careers in fields ranging from nursing to real estate to business to education. Some FSS "graduates" have built Program-funded escrow accounts with as much as $30,000+. Individuals use this money to make down payments on homes, purchase cars, pay off debt, attend college, start businesses, and more.

All HCVP Participants who are in good standing are welcome to apply to the FSS Program. The only requirement is a genuine desire to work hard to change your life. Those who are accepted into the FSS Program will sign a contract with a FSS Caseworker, set goals and create a service plan to achieve those goals. Measurable progress toward established goals is achieved through regularly scheduled meetings with the FSS Caseworker.

The FSS Program offers a number of services to its members:
  • Skills assessment
  • GED preparation
  • Career planning
  • Computer literacy and skills training
  • Financial literacy workshops
  • Childcare referrals
  • Vocational Training and Employment services
  • Homeownership counseling

Part of the FSS Program includes establishing a escrow account for all participants who increase their earned income after their effective contract date. As employment goals are achieved and pay raises are received, FSS deposits an amount matching the pay increase into the participant’s escrow account. When members achieve their goals, gain full-time employment, and complete program requirements, they graduate from the FSS Program and receive the money in their account plus interest.

To learn more about the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and how it can benefit you and enhance your life, contact your Housing Specialist at 914-995-2414.